HIMSS Virginia Chapter

2025 Data and Analytics Symposium

May 5th, 2025
10:30am – 4pm

There is a new format for 2025 with participation on two levels.  Peer reviewed submissions will be eligible for publication in the symposium proceedings.

Non-Peer Reviewed Submission – Submission Deadline is April 1, 2025, with notification of acceptance within 1 week.

This type is similar to previous years when participants submit their idea on any healthcare related topic. When registering, you will be required to submit a brief summary description of your project.

Peer Reviewed Submission – Submission Deadline is February 1, 2025, with notification of acceptance of peer review within 30 days. 

This level of participation is a peer reviewed submission that would be eligible for inclusion in the electronic symposium proceedings. The peer review process is not meant to be as intimidating as a journal submission but will review for appropriateness of topic, originality, adequate references, scholarly work, appropriate statistics and evaluation of data/results.  Note, participants not accepted at this level will most likely be appropriate for the non-peer reviewed process.  When registering, you will be required to submit an abstract including: background, purpose, methods, results and conclusion.

Examples of submissions for both levels considered include:

  • Case study – a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.
  • Original research – articles that are considered empirical or primary sources and present an original study.
  • Systematic review – a comprehensive summary of all available evidence that meets predefined eligibility criteria to address a specific clinical question or range of questions.
  • Meta-analysis – statistical process of analyzing and combining results from several similar studies.
  • Process Improvement Project – a review of methods to improve results. Should include background, prior results, methods and post results.
  • Review of Analytical Solution – review of an analysis that produces results to streamline and or improve healthcare processes.
  • Other – please provide enough detail for your proposal so we can make a decision on appropriateness of content.


Submissions require that a poster be completed.  The most successful posters are graphically rich presentations of your research that highlight and summarize the main points.

Your poster should include:

  • The project title and all authors.
  • A brief introduction, goals, experimental detail, conclusions, and references; presented in a logical and clear sequence.
  • Explanations for each graph, image, and table.
  • Make sure that the poster text and images can be easily seen from 5-8 feet away.
  • The poster size should be 36×48.  We will have a foam core backing on hand for hanging.

 Poster presenters will be required to have their poster displayed 1 hour prior to symposium start, and be available during the breaks to answer any questions attendees might have about your work.

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